Dr. Stephanie Canestraro, DC., IFMCP., FMUCP is a Functional Medicine practitioner and Chiropractor who works with everyone from elite athletes in the NHL, NFL, and PGA, professional tennis players, and Hollywood actresses to autistic children.
In this podcast she discusses:
-Her experience using functional medicine on athletes
-Reasons athletes have more total body stress burden
-The gut-brain connection
-The vagus nerve and how stress affects it
-How the CellCore detox protocol is set up and why this is the answer to building our immune system during the pandemic
To learn more about:
-Dr. Stephanie Canestraro, DC., IFMCP., FMUCP:
www.vagusclinic.com www.healyourgutfirst.com
-Dr. Jacqueline’s Cerebral Detox program: https://CerebralDetox.com