Every holistic practitioner seems to have a story of why they entered into the field of holistic health. For Diane Wright, her son being diagnosed with autism at a young age pushed her to seek answers which she eventually found, and that led her down a path of becoming an Essential Oil Educator, NLP Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist.
In this podcast, Diane Wright Explains:
-How she holistically helped her son recover from autism
-What NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) is
-The benefits people can experience with NLP and hypnotherapy
To learn more about: -Diane Wright:
www.mydoterra.com/dianecares IG: @love_those_oils
-Dr. Jacqueline’s Cerebral Detox program: https://CerebralDetox.com
-CellCore Detox Protocol: https://thewellnesstrinity.com/cellco…